धार्मिक भ्रमण तथा न्यानो कपडा वितरण सम्पन्न

नेपाल एसोसिएसन अफ टुर एण्ड ट्राभल एजेन्ट्स (नाट्टा) – गण्डकी प्रदेशले पोखरा -३२ स्थित राधाकृष्ण वृद्धाश्रमका जेष्ठ नागरिकलाई न्यानो कपडा वितरण सँगै धार्मिक भ्रमण गराएको छ।
रक्तदान कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न।

नेपाल एसोसिएसन अफ टुर एण्ड ट्राभल एजेन्ट्स (नाट्टा) — गण्डकी प्रदेशको आयोजनामा यही पौष १२, २०७८ लेकसाईडको अम्बोटमा रक्तदान कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न गरिएको छ।
MoU between Natta Gandaki and Natta Province 2

NATTA Gandaki and NATTA province 2 have signed a MoU on the presence of Honorable Chief Minsters of both the province governments.
Vaccination for NATTA drivers, helpers and frontline workers

A vaccination program for the workers in tourism sector (drivers, helpers and frontline workers of the industry) has been successfully completed today.
Pokhara – Nepalgunj – Pokhara regular flights started

Buddha Airlines has started it’s Pokhara – Nepalgunj regular flights from 1st of August with three flights every week. (Sun, Wed, Fri)
Distribution of relief materials to workers effected by the pandemic

NATTA Gandaki Province has distributed relief materials to the workers and labors of the tourism sector that are effected by the pandemic.
Hiking Australian Camp on the occasion of Chinese New Year

NATTA Gandaki organized a one day hiking to Australian Cap on the occasion of Chinese New Year — Year of the Ox with the students learning Chinese language!
NATTA organizes Chinese Language training for Tourism entrepreneurs

Nepal Tours and Travel Agents (NATTA) Gandaki has started Chinese language class training for 42 tourism entrepreneurs working in Pokhara from Monday, February 2.